Life teachings 40 phrases

Teach these 40 phrases to your sons and daughters so they can be more resilient, successful, and confident in life. 1. Where there's a will, there's a way. 2. Good manners don't cost anything. 3. Always ask. They can only say no. 4. You…

My Life lessons.

Every time you read this story, it gives you a lesson in life. 20 years of life flew like a breeze.  Then the job search started.  Not this, not that, not far, not near.  While doing this, it was decided to quit 2 or 3 jobs.  A little stability starte…

Divine power

How to recognize that divine power is helping you?    You can make sense of these 11 signs    There are many people in the world who get divine help in their life.  Some more, some less.  There are some through whom the divine powers get good work d…

The Winner.

The semen, That comes out after a healthy man has physical intimacy with a woman, and contains up to 40 million sperm. In simple words, if everyone gets the right place (uterus), then 40 million children will be born.  While all these sperms run madly…

Opinion Matters ?

Opinion varies according to the situation.. Assume: You are sweating. Very thirsty, throat is drying up, but water is not available anywhere.  In such a situation, you stand under the shade of a tree to relieve fatigue. Only then does the window of th…

The Journey of life.

Don't worry, Because usually... 1. The "highly educated" and the "lowly educated" are the same at the age of forty.  (Because now don't give interview anywhere, don't show degree).  2. At the age of fifty years "fo…

Anxiety and Aroma Therapy

Anxiety is one of the common problems with today's scenario of restless lifestyle. Thosands reasons are there of anxiety, Distance from the loved ones, stress of work and continuous failure of achievement and the search for identity are the gre…

Daughter Vs Daughters-in-law

The present post is for all those girls who complain that we are not considered as daughters in in-laws' houses or not getting equal respect, love, and affection.  First, it is important to know that when you were a daughter, what was your role i…

The Shiva Philosophy and the management of successful life

Shiva ji is not just a matter of worship but a matter of philosophy.  Today in this blog we will understand what is this thing.  I am not so knowledgeable, and I am not a scholar, but I believe in Indian culture, and Sanatan Dharma. The supreme state …

What is Forgiveness and the way of life management

️ A story on Forgiveness    A Seth ji gave three lakh rupees to his younger brother for business.  His business settled very well, but he did not return the money to his elder brother.        After all, there was a quarrel between the two, the quarre…

How to prevent Heart Attack and what are the symptoms of heart attack

Heart Attack Heart Attack is one of the very common diseases in today's scenario. As we all know it as a lifestyle disease. Stress, High blood pressure, Alcohol, Lack of physical exercise and high cholesterol diet intake lead to poor heart health.…

How to prevent the Fear of death

Fear of death ️ Gayatri Mantra : Om Bhurbhuvah svah tatsavitur varenyam Bhargo devasya dhimahi  Dhiyo yo nah prachodayat! The person who understands the true principles of life and behaves accordingly and remains focused in performing duty by avoiding…

Raghabyadaviyam | राघवयादवीयम

Raghabyadaviyam | राघवयादवीयम इसे तो सात आश्चर्यों में से पहला आश्चर्य माना जाना चाहिए --- यह है #दक्षिण_भारत_का_एक_ग्रन्थ क्या ऐसा संभव है कि जब आप किताब को सीधा पढ़े तो #रामायण की कथा पढ़ी जाए और जब उसी किताब में लिखे शब्दों को उल्टा करके पढ़े तो कृ…

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