Bhagavad Gita chapter 6 and life management.

Bhagwat Geeta; Chapter 6 and life management (Dhyana Yoga)

A person who has conquered the mind and is thus peaceful is poised in the realization of the supreme soul, Heat and cold, pleasure and pain, honor and dishonor are all the same to him. 6:7

One who is self-satisfied by dint of supreme soul and the scriptural knowledge and realization and is steadfast and sense controlled seems a piece of earth, a stone and gold equally. One so fixed is said to be a yogi. 6:8

A superlative Yogi is one who looks equally on a close friend, an associate, and an enemy and who is thus equal in his dealings with everyone by the saints and sinners. The Yogi should always concentrate his mind on the self, remaining alone in a scheduled place with mind and body controlled, free from desire and devoid of possessions.6:9:10

He should establish a film set for himself in a clean place. It should be neither too high or not too low and should be covered with Kusha Grass a deerskin or a cloth. 6:11

Making his mind one-pointed and controlling all activities of his senses, he should sit on that seat and engage in Yoga for the sake of self-purification. 6:12

Holding his body, head and neck erect he should remain motionless and steady, concentrating his vision on the top of his nose without letting it stray here and there.6:13

With his mind quieted, fearless, observing a vow of chastity, controlling his mind by fixing his thoughts on me, he should seat concentrated in devotion, holding me as the highest object. 6:14

Thus disciplining the self the Yogi whose mind is controlled, attains the supreme peace situated in me, beyond the cessation of material existence. 6:15

Arjuna said, O Krishna, what destination befalls one who, although possessed of faith, is nevertheless uncontrolled? What happens to one whose mind has fallen away from Yoga practice without having achieved perfection. 6:37

O mighty-armed one is he not lost in his pursuit of transcendence like a riven could with no solid footing to either world? 6:38

He who fallen from the path of Yoga attains heaven and dwells there for what seems on eternity. Then he is born again in a pious or aristocratic family. Or he may be born directly into a family of wise transcendentalists. Rare is such birth in this world. 6:41:42


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