Benefits of studying Sanskrit.

 Benefits of studying Sanskrit

 Sanskrit language

 Sanskars are entered into the students unintentionally by the study of Sanskrit language because in it not only the knowledge science related to material things is present, but the student also gets to learn spiritual practical knowledge.

 spiritual science in sanskrit

 The science of spiritual knowledge is available in abundance in Vedas, Upanishads, Darshana, Aranyak texts written in Sanskrit language, if we talk about Vedas, then the mantra of Rigveda says -

 Dva Suparna Sayuja Sakhaya Samanam Vriksha Parishvajaate.

 Tayoranya: pippalam svadvattyanasnnannyo abhichakshiti.  1/164/20

 That is, two birds are sitting on a tree with a good mood, out of which one is enjoying the sweet fruits of the tree and the other is looking at it silently.

 In this mantra, God, creatures, nature have been described through birds.  The bird which is consuming the fruits is a living being; the bird which is watching silently is God and the tree is the nature.

 Similarly, the form of God has been described in a mantra of Yajurveda.

 S paryagachhukramakayamavranmasnaviram sudhampapaviddham.

 Kavirmanishi paribhuh swayambhuryathathyatosthan vyaddhachhasvatibhyah sambhayah॥  40/8

 In this mantra of Vedas it is said that that God is present everywhere, pure form, devoid of physique, free from the bondage of wounds and nerves, free from the desires of sin, that God is the author of poetry in the form of Vedas.  He is the self-master of the contemplative, omnipresent self...

 No one else is the master over him, just as he had given the knowledge of Vedas in the previous world, in the same way he is giving the knowledge of Vedas in this world as well.

  Spirituality in Upanishads -

  In the beginning of Ishavasyo Upanishad it is said:-

 Isha vasymidam sarvam yat kincha jagatyam jagat.

  Ten tyakten bhunjitha ma gridhah kasyasvidhanam

 That is, whatever is in this world is inhabited by God.  O man!  You consume the things of the world sacrificingly, don't be greedy for someone else's wealth...

 Similarly, the story of Nachiketa comes in the Kathopanishad, where Nachiketa appears eager to leave all worldly temptations and only attain God.  In the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, there is a very beautiful discussion of Yajnavalkya and Gargi regarding spiritual matters.

 Spiritual Cognition in Philosophy -

 If we talk about philosophies, then the nature of God has been described in Vedanta philosophy.  The description of gross and subtle nature is available in Vaisheshik philosophy.

 In yoga philosophy, a detailed description of how a person can attain God through the process of Ashtanga-Yoga i.e. Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi is available there.  The discussion of the relationship between God, Jiva and Prakriti is the subject of Sankhya Darshana.  A detailed explanation of how truth can be known using logic and evidence on the basis of which evidence is available in Nyayadarshan.

 applied science -

 Along with spiritual knowledge-science, practical knowledge is also available in our scriptures.  How should a person behave while living in the world?  While living in the celibacy ashram, along with following which rules, can a student do his schooling in a proper way?  One can make his physical, spiritual, mental progress, its description is available in the texts like Manusmriti etc.

 What should be the behavior of the householder while living in a householder's ashram?  What is the mutual behavior of husband-wife, father-son etc.?  How to deal with relatives?  The way of dealing with society, nation, all these have been described in detail by the sages in detail in the texts of Manusmriti etc.  After the Grihastha Ashram, the description of how a person can make his spiritual progress while living in the Vanprastha Ashram is also available.  On the basis of this knowledge, our ancestors used to create children in ancient times.  Queen Sita had built Luv Kush while living in the hermitage of Rishi Valmiki.  The story of Queen Madalsa is available in our history, who, knowing this sanskar science, created sage children according to her wish and later on the king's behest had also created a son to take over the throne.  Apart from this, many such examples are available in our history.  In the Sanskar Vidhi written by Maharishi Dayanand Saraswati ji, sixteen sacraments have been described, out of which 15 sacraments are for human progress.  All this literature of creation of life, literature of creation of man, spiritual practical knowledge #Maharishi_Dyanand_Saraswati literature exists in Sanskrit language, from this it can be clearly said that Sanskrit language is the language of culture.  By reading Sanskrit language, the rites automatically enter inside the person, for that there is no need to make much effort separately.  Physics in Sanskrit language -

 Along with spiritual science, physical science is also available in sufficient quantity in our texts.  For the prevention of diseases, the knowledge of Ayurveda is available in texts like Charak, Sushruta etc. In which the properties of Artha Kriya, weapon, piercing, piercing, coating, medicine, diagnosis, medicine, diet, body, country and object have been described.  .  For the knowledge of weapons and weapons, man should read Dhanurveda, where there are various types of weapons from Rajkari to weaponry.

 Practice of Vyuhas, what to do when fighting with enemies?  Detailed description is available.

 Apart from this, description of tone, raga, ragini, time, rhythm, village, taan, vaditra, dance, song etc.  In the Arthaveda, which is also known as Shilp Vidya, the knowledge related to the creation of various substances, properties, science, action skills is available.

 Astrology is seed mathematics, arithmetic, geography, astronomy, geology in Surya Siddhanta etc.  A detailed description of economic practices is available in Kautilya Arthashastra etc.

 We see the use of this knowledge science in texts like Ramayana, Mahabharata etc., where Ram builds a bridge to go to Lanka, while from Lanka to Ayodhya.  He uses Pushpak Vimana to reach there.  In both the periods of Ramayana, Mahabharata, very terrible weapons were used in which there was massive loss of life.  The manufacture of such weapons cannot be possible without developed knowledge science... Thus we see that our physical knowledge-science was also sufficiently developed in ancient times.

 the language of the whole

 Modern knowledge-science only gives information about physical subjects, where practical or spiritual subjects are either not taught or taught in a small form at a very small level, so modern people who have studied with that science are familiar with physics.  But they are lacking in practical spirituality, whereas Sanskrit language fulfills all the subjects, here not only physical science science is available but spiritual knowledge science practical knowledge science is available, so it makes man completely.  Only one sided does not manufacture.  Scientific and simple language Sanskrit -

 Modern scientists have considered it the most useful language for computers.  In this language, every word can be scientifically discussed, like this is the nature of such a word, this suffix or this word is formed in this way... then why is it formed like why earth is called earth?  It is written in the Nirukta about this subject that it is called the earth because of its expansion.  Similarly, a tree is called a tree after it is cut down.  In this way, due to being a scientific language, this language became the easiest language in the world because the more systematic the language, the more fluid it is to receive.  root cause of all happiness

 By adopting the science of knowledge present in the Sanskrit language and acting according to it, a person can fulfill the objectives of all his cosmic and transcendental.  If a person wants to achieve all the worldly pleasures... even then he has to behave according to this knowledge and if the person wants to achieve the transcendental means of salvation, then also he has to walk according to this knowledge.  For the attainment of all happiness, the knowledge and science present in our ancient scriptures and conduct according to it is the only way, whose declaration says this promise of Yajurveda.

 Nanya: Pantha Vidyatesanay.  31/18

 That is, according to the knowledge of Vedas, there is no other way to attain happiness other than attaining God.

 Stay tuned to us.

 Jai Sanatan Dharma

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