How to do Aarti?

How to do Aarti?

How and which lamp, wick should be lit in the house?

What is the rule?

Everything you need to know about Deepak

  Read with scripture proof

 For a long time some of you friends were getting questions that what is the correct method of performing Aarti?

 So read.

 Whenever you do aarti, first try to make Om in front of God (i.e. rotate in Om).


 How many times should the aarti be rotated?

 Adau pada Chatushtale cha Vishnuah

 Dwau: nabhi deshe mukhbimb ekam.

 Sarveshu Changeshu Ch Saptwara:

 Narartik Bhakta Janastu Kuryat

 First of all four times the feet of the Lord

 navel twice

 once in mouth

 And then rotate the aarti seven times in all the Sri parts of the Lord i.e. from the head to the feet.

 this is due to

 (4+2+1+7 = 14) In doing this aarti, your salutations reach to the fourteen buildings which are absorbed in God.

 (Aarti should always be started from Shri Charan)

 Do aarti with how many lamps??

 In our scriptures it is said-

 Vartika: sapta va pancha kritva va deep vartikam

 Kuryat Sapt Pradeepen Shankha Ghantadivadyakaiah.

 That is, it is best to do Aarti with Panchmukhi Jyoti or Saptmukhi Jyoti, in which conch shell and bell must go along with it.

 How and where to place the lamp?

 It comes in Kalika Purana-

 Sarvasaha Vasumati sahate na tvidam dvayam. Inaction

 Keeping the lamp on the earth increases the heat on the earth, so never keep the lamp on the house.

 It is said in Kalika Purana itself-

 "Non Chave Establishment"

 Perhaps literally"

 (Keep the lamp in the seat or plate itself)

 After installing the lamp, worshiping it and lighting it (i.e. burning) the hand must be done Prakshalit (washing with water or sprinkling on the hands), it is mentioned in the Varah Purana-

 Deepam sparshtva tu yo devi mam karmani karayet. Tasyaparadhadvaibhoome sin attainment human:

 (failing to do so leads to sin)

 Light a lamp of ghee or of oil???

 Ghriten Deepo Datvya: Til tailen or re

 (In the scriptures, there is evidence of lighting a lamp of either pure ghee or sesame oil, but nowhere about mustard, coconut etc.)

 With this keep in mind -

 "Ghrita Deepo Dakshinesayat Tailadeepstu Vamatah"

 The lamp of ghee is always kept on the right side of God and the lamp of sesame oil is kept on the left side i.e. the left side.

 Whose face is the lamp?

 The innocuous formula comes in-

 Ayurdah Prangmuko Deepo Dhanadah Syadu Udang Mukha. Prtyngmukho Dukdosu Hanido Dkshinamukः.

 (If the lamp faces east then it will increase life, north side gives wealth and food, west side gives sorrow and south side gives loss)

 Now the next question is, which one?

 Always a cotton wick in a ghee lamp

 And about putting a wick of red molly in sesame oil, the weapon says about it-

 Deep ghritam dakshe tailyuktam cha vamah.

 Dakshineka Sitavarti Vamto Raktaah Vartikam. ,

 But never mix ghee with oil and put it in the lamp.

 How is the iron of the lamp? (from Kalika Purana)

 Labhyate Yasya Tapastu Deepasya Chaturgunlat.

 Na s deep iti khyato hyeghav hinstu sa srutha.

 (If the iron of the lamp is giving heat above four fingers, then it is not a lamp but a fire.

 The iron of the lamp should be less than 4 fingers, neither the sound of rattling should come from the lamp nor the smoke rises from the lamp, this type of iron is the best)


 Now listen to some rules

 Never do Aarti with Akhand Deep or the lamp which you lit for worship.

 Never do Aarti while sitting.

 Always do the aarti with the right hand.

 - If someone is doing aarti, then at that time one should not move hands over him, do this work after the aarti is over.

 In the middle of the aarti, the aarti is broken by speaking, screaming, sneezing etc.

 - Provided that the arrangements should be made in such a way that they go through the whole aarti

 - Never turn the aarti upside down, always do the aarti,

 Rotate clockwise (ie clockwise, as the clock moves).

 Jai Sanatan Dharma

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