How to improve immunity and life management after Booster Dose.

After vaccination of booster dose, we find some symptoms like Mild fever, headache, body ache, sweating, nausea, muscle tension, Breathlessness, and butterflies in the stomach. And all these are of anxiety and the other important factor of Lower immunity level.


Immunity plays a very vital role for survival, stronger immunity stronger, and easier life. During this condition of Covid 19 and daily climatic change, due to the storm and rainfall, enhance challenges. Infections like Covid, Black fungus, white fungus, or any virus or bacterial manifestations lead life endangered. As the immune system is the first line of defense for every living creature gifted by nature. From birth, immunity develops day by day but due to the infections it decreases and leads to other infections and threatens life.

Medicines like steroids, antibiotics, and continuous medication also lead to lower immunity. Lack of physical exercise and stress and anxiety is another reason for losing immunity.


  • Regular physical exercises, Yoga, Pranayam, cycling, skipping, and playing can be added to the daily routine. 
  • Proper nutritious food intake on a divided routine can help a lot. 
  • The addition of lemon, orange, grape or mixed juice lead to increased vitamins, minerals, and other micronutrients which helps to improve the immune system. 
  • Daily exposure to sunlight and fresh air in the early morning relieves stress and anxiety.
  • Avoiding bad habits like smoking, and alcoholism. 


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