Symptoms of Depression and management for life.


The first and foremost is to stay healthy with happiness and peace. Without health life is meaningless. Human life struggling from the oldest days for survival and the truth is survival of the fittest. The war against nature is there from the beginning of life. Human life is restless to create shields for the protection of self from nature. Just imagine the stone age and before that also there were the same struggles against nature. To survive, life started the invention of shelter,  armures of stone, Fire to cook, wheels for transportation, and a lot. Necessity is the mother of invention it's the basics of human life. Life has always struggled with the tangible and nontangible enemies like animals, snakes, scorpions for survival and now fighting with humans for superiority complex and colonialism with the help of recent developments of fire(E=mc2) in some part of the world.

Here now we are fighting with Corona and with the outcomes like lockdown. Every disease has two ways to control, precaution and prevention. To cure the disease now medications and vaccines are available with the recent developments of vaccines and a lot of researches worldwide going on. But for the prevention of the CORONA Virus, some guidelines have been implemented like wearing masks, Social distancing, and proper sanitation. Still, things are out of control. Lastly, worldwide governments advocate for it and implemented comprehensive and complete lockdown for the precaution and prevention of citizens. 

Depression in lockdown:

Human beings are social animals as per the definitions and we believe. We have to move around for our work for food and it's the basics of human life from the first day of life and has been incorporated in our DNAs.But due to lockdown work from home has been implemented and we are not being able to roam around. Its the first reason for depression and the second one is the fear of psychosis of death. To be or not to be is the biggest psychological dilemma ever. As Coronavirus is a very microorganism and we don't have the proper knowledge of the Shape, Size, mutations, pathology, strains, medications it develops the fear psychosis of getting infected and a question for survival. As we are at home we spend enough time together on social media platforms and television shows like news and newspapers from where we receive a good amount of negative information which increases the stress level.

How we can overcome depression?

  • Human life meant for invention or creation.
  • Medications and vaccination with precautionary measures are highly recommended.
  • Swatwik diet with proper nutrition could develop the proper immunity. 
  • Physical exercises, Yoga, worship, music, and dance can help a lot.
  • Creative Arts like painting, Crafting, and writing can shift the focus from negativity. 
  • Leave procrastination be proactive give time to children and seniors to play with them.
  • Learn cooking techniques and help others at home in home cleaning and decorating.
  • If working from home then give your best for the self-assessment and work accordingly for the self-development.
  • Reading of great books, stories and different articles of own interest. 
  • Start talking with childhood friends and remember the golden moments and instances.
  • Start gardening it will definitely help.
  • If vaccinated go out with proper precaution join with organizations or NGOs to help the needy ones.
  • Keep in heart life is full of ups and downs, full of struggles, those wins who dare to fight.

Thank you & have a great day.

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