Fear of death ️
Gayatri Mantra :
Om Bhurbhuvah svah
tatsavitur varenyam
Bhargo devasya dhimahi
Dhiyo yo nah prachodayat!
The person who understands the true principles of life and behaves accordingly and remains focused in performing duty by avoiding the traps, he is not afraid of anything in the world. Even death cannot scare him. Rather, for one who walks on such a true path, it seems like a proper rest and the wisdom.
The reason we are afraid of dying is our ignorance. There is one beautiful thing in this beautiful garden of God. There is a good arrangement for the entertainment of the travelers, but the traveler who takes these sights as his own, expresses his ownership over them, does not want to leave them, will be entitled to sorrow due to his stupidity.
Every substance in this world, every atom is changing rapidly. The name of this movement is life. If we have to keep moving forward, then surely the order of production, development and destruction is broken, then this world will remain as a non-living inert matter. If it is to go on going forward, of course, the process of production change and destruction will inevitably continue.
Whether the body is our own, that of our loved one, indifferent or that of the enemy, surely we will get death. Whenever we want that body to be destroyed, it cannot happen. Changes of nature, karmic bondage, divine will - these are the main ones, our desire cannot go ahead of them. When he wants to die, then he will die, we cannot stop him. Because of knowing the unchanging law of this life and death, we cry, cry, cry, be afraid and feel sad for such a simple event like death.
One who has come to know the real nature of life, does not feel any sorrow in his death nor does he feel the pain of death of others. A person standing at the main crossroads of a huge city sees that every moment innumerable people come from here and there according to their schedule. He himself has also come from somewhere and is going somewhere, only for a few moments is watching the curiosity of the crossroads. If this person feels sad, weeps or laments on the movement of his own or others, then he will be called unreasonable.
There is such a rush of traffic on the vast square of the world. The death of one is the birth of another; the birth of one is the death of another. One's happiness is another's sorrow and the other's sorrow is one's joy. This eye-catching blunder is an enthralling, witty game for the prudent, but people of child-bearing age get entangled in it and consider this curiosity to be an objection, beating their heads, weeping and repenting.
The destruction of bodies in the sorrow of death is not the reason, but the reason is not knowing the real nature of life. How many such brave martyrs have been there who, while living in the gallows cell, became fat day by day, gained weight and embraced the noose of the gallows with their hands and were scorched on the deathbed singing songs of happiness.
When the poet 'Gang' was given the death sentence and a bloody elephant was released to trample him under his feet, he swelled with joy, he imagined that there was a need for a verse maker in the assembly of the gods, so I took the poet Gang to the elephant. The form Ganesha has come. How many Mahatmas leave their bodies after taking samadhi, they do not see anything unique in dying.
Many people think that there is a lot of pain while dying, so they are afraid of the pain of that suffering. This also death is due to lack of knowledge of the object position of time. Generally people remain ill for some time before death. In illness, the vitality decreases and the consciousness of the senses becomes lax, along with this slackness, the knowledge fibers become non-cognitive, as a result, even the feeling of sorrow is not fully realized.
Pregnant women or skipping patients often sleep in closed houses at night even in the summer, but they do not suffer from the heat like a healthy person does. A healthy person cannot sleep at night in a closed room, but the patient falls asleep. The reason is that due to the weakening of the sense fiber of the patient, the power to perceive heat becomes weak, the patients do not even feel the taste properly, even the tasty things seem bitter because the knowledge fibers of the tongue become weak.

The disease-induced weakness gradually increases to such an extent that some time before death the human consciousness becomes void and his life passes without any suffering. Whatever suffering is to be found, it is found in the disease period itself. When doctors do any major operation, they make the patient unconscious by inhaling chloroform so that he does not suffer. Even the merciful God, while performing the operation to separate the body from the soul, inhales the chloroform of the noun emptiness so that we do not suffer from death.
It is known to all that when a patient is about to die, his illness slows down shortly before death. The pain subsides. Then experienced doctors understand that now the patient's last time has come. The reason is that due to illness the vitality of the patient is lost and the knowledge fibers become unable to manifest the disease and feel the pain. This belief is full of delusions that the mother suffers more in the womb during pregnancy and at the time of death. Due to being in both the directions the brain is in an unconscious state and the cognition is in a non-cognitive state, the creature does not suffer any kind of trouble. In such a situation there is no reason to be afraid of the pain of death.
Unnecessary attachment, love is the main cause of fear of death. Instead of loving duty, we start getting attached to things. Our love, instead of being attached to the sense of duty, gets engaged in body property etc. It is painful to go out of the hands of a dear thing, therefore there is also a pain of dying. If it is assumed from the very beginning that whatever body or matter we have in our rights or relations can be created, spoiled or destroyed at any time due to the change of religion of nature, then do not make the mistake of adding unnecessary attachment and affection to them. Then man will think that the most loved, most intimate, most beneficial in the world is his 'duty'. He should be loved completely. If this love is to be increased as much as possible, where there is even a slightest separation from this love, there is sorrow, then this love will become a giver of eternal happiness and peace. One who considers performing duty as his advantage, he will not have to bear the loss of loss.
The reason is that our lover's 'duty' is always with us, no power can take it away from us against our will. Similarly, if the focal point of our profit is our 'duty', then there can be no one other than us to cause loss in it. When our love and benefits are completely in our hands, then there is no reason to be in front of the sorrows of separation or loss. The sorrow of the death of others-lovers and material things can be kept away from us only when we leave the false attachment, love, love for duty and consider it as our property.
There is also sorrow in one's own death that such a valuable substance like life has not been put to good use. Due to laziness, when the train leaves after reaching the station late, then considering the heavy loss caused by not being able to reach the appointed place on that day, this lazy man stands at the station, regrets and curses himself. There is such remorse even at the time of death, when a man sees that I have lost a valuable thing like human life in vain things, did not use it properly, did not take advantage of it as much as it should have been, if we make good use of the moments of life, its If every moment is used only for self-interest, for true selfishness, then even today or tomorrow, whenever death comes in front, then there will be no remorse or sorrow of any kind.
Life and Death are omnipotent.
Life is too short.
Enjoy every instance.
Every life have his own challenges.
Destiny will follow you through out.
Inner happiness and peace matters.
Wisdom and Virtue of life is the key.
Kindness and respect is the keyhole.