The first way of life Management.


Every life has two ways to lead. That is good or bad, negative or positive, this way or that way. Every step of life there are dilemmas or illusions to have the choice of the right one. Those who have been enabled enough with proper knowledge or have accurate guidance somehow get rid of this problem and somehow manages life in a smooth way.

The 1st one about the smoother one, the easier one, the way of amusement, enjoyment, passion, friendship, addictions, waste of time, casualness, procrastination, bad habits, lack of plans for the upcoming future, egoism, lack of knowledge, stress and a million. As the starting age of all these is 15 years and lasts up to the real incarnation from the soul of the being or it can be continued till the last breath.

By the age of 20 to 30 years, all the important things happen in life and these ten years play a very vital role for the rest of life. As these years are the foundation years.if the percentage will be calculated then 95%of people lead the same way as the 1st one.

This stage is considered the second phase of life where all important things happen to all. As this stage also offers a second chance to life to step towards the right one. Here at the age, another 5% of people come to the right path.

This is the third phase of life to hang on with all the dreams of achievement and to create the stories for the next-gen.

With the 1st way of life, there will be a lot of enjoyment with friends, all physical amusements but there will be no achievement of anything or there will be no stories of achievement for the next generation to be told ever. So the choice is yours to select your own way of life. In the next blog, there will be the 2nd way of life. Kindly go through it and if you like it please pass it to the next ones.

Thank you so much and have a great day.

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