Bhagwat Geeta; Chapter 4
Transcendental Knowledge
O conqueror of the enemies, visionary kings thus obtained this knowledge through disciplic succession. At present under the influence of extended time here on earth, this teaching of Yoga has been obscured. 4:1:2
Although I am birthless and by nature imperishable and although, I am the controller of all beings, nevertheless remaining in control of my material energy, I manifest by my own inner power. 4:6
Whenever O descendant of Bharata, Dharma is diminished and unrighteousness is on the rise, at that time I myself manifest. 4:7
for the protection of the saintly and the destruction of evildoers, as well as for the purpose of establishing Dharma I manifest in every age.4:8
One who truly understands the divine nature of my birth and activities is no reborn upon giving up his body but comes to me O Arjuna. 4:9
Free from attachment, fear, and anger with mind absorbed in thinking of me and taking refuge in me many persons in the past were purified by the fire of knowledge and attained me. 4:10
Worldly people who desire material success perform sacrifice in worship of the gods. Surely this world quickly gets results from such ritualistic acts. 4:12
In consideration of the influence of Gunas and one's Karma, I created the four-fold division of socio-religious order (caste). Although I created the system, you should know that I am perishable and not responsible for the results derived from it. 4:13
There is no work that implicates me. I have no desire for the fruits of action. One who understands me thus is not bound by reactions to work. 4:15
One should know the nature of prescribed action and the nature of inaction. The path of action is mysterious. 4:17
A person who has removed from his undertakings and consumed his karmic reactions in the fire of knowledge is called a sage by the wise. 4:19
A liberated should be established in knowledge, who is free from attachment and acts only in sacrifice dissipates all his Karma. 4:23
In acts of sacrifice, that by which the offering is made to Brahman, as the offering itself. Sacrifice is offered by one who is himself, Brahman, into the fire of Brahman. One who is absorbed thus in the thoughts of brahman in sacrificial action attains Brahman. 4:24
Some sacrifice through acts of charity, others sacrifice through austerities and through Yoga practice, while ascetics of severe vows do so through scriptural study and knowledge. 4:28
Others practice breath control. They offer inhalation into exhalation and exhalation into inhalation thereby restraining both. Still, others restrict their intake of food and restrain their breath, sacrificing their vital force. 4:29
All these persons know well the purpose of sacrifice and are purified from all evil through its performance. They enjoy the nectar of sacrificial remnants and attains eternal Brahman. 4:30
O best of Kuru Dynasty, without sacrifice, no one can live happily even in this world; what the of the other. 4:31
O subduer of the enemy of the various sacrifices, that of wisdom is far superior to the sacrifice of material possessions, for whatever may be accomplished by action is realized in wisdom. 4:33
Acquire that wisdom through humble resignation, relevant inquiry, and rendering service to the wise who have realized the truth. They in turn will impart wisdom unto you. 4:34
As a blazing fire burns the woods to ashes, Arjuna so does the fire of transcendental knowledge reduce all Karmic reactions to ashes. 4:37
One who has faith and devotes himself with controlled senses to attaining this wisdom is successful in his efforts. Having wisdom and knowledge, he quickly attains supreme peace. 4:39
Those who are ignorant, faithless, or doubting are lost. There is neither happiness nor success in this world or the next for the doubting soul. 4:40
Therefore having cut away with the sword of knowledge your doubt arising from ignorance that lurks in your heart, take refuge in Yoga and stand for battle, O descendant of Bharata. 4:42